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Why science cannot stay in academia,
and how do I try to help with that.

Explaining science is superfun and even addictive. However, I think of outreach in a more political manner, specially in the following ways:

Empowering society

Science and society need each other, and must go hand to hand. Knowledge is power and thus outreach is a tool for empowering society. We need people to be involved in science, to trust it. In parallel, we need science to be more open to society: academia needs fresh air and external ideas to permeate in. This will happen if we empower and motivate the public to have their saying on science policies.

Empowering Catalan

I do not disseminate in any language, but in my mother tongue. Catalan is spoken by 10M people, but it is a minoniritized language. Because of this, there is not much scientific outreach in Catalan, specially on the Internet. With my projects, I want to show that our language is appropiate to talk about science and to fight the constant decrease of Catalan in linguistic use, specially with young generations.

With these purposes in mind, during all my scientific career I have taken part in many outreach talks, media appearances or courses. However, I have put my focus on audiovisual outreach through the internet. Even though I am quite shy about these, I am proud of the work I have done while undergoing a PhD. Here are my most succesful projects.

Del buit al tot

This is my main outreach project! "Del buit al tot" ("From the vacuum to everything") is an audiovisual channel about physics, from the smallest of scales to the largest. There you will find short explanatory videos, scientific interviews and even a diary explaining how is the daily life of a researcher. All to make science a bit more human.

Del buit al tot logo

Neurones Fregides

Since there is strength in unity, together with other Catalan disseminators we have built the first platform of Catalan digital scientific outreach, Neurones Fregides ("Fried Neurons"). We work towards making our task more professional and to catch the attention of further people and institutions. We even wrote a book!

Neurones Fregides

La hipòtesi absurda

Thanks to an outreach grant I am developing a podcast on science, society and culture: La hipòtesi absurda ("The absurd hypothesis"). Like a humoristic "Black Mirror", we imagine contexts which make us think about science and our society. Topics range from ChatGPT being chosen as minister to the end of the binarism of sex.
