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Curriculum vitae

This is my trajectory up to now.
Who knows where will it lead to? :)

Here follows a brief and personal selection of my Curriculum Vitae.
If interested, please visit the full version through the following link.

Research experience

  • 2021 - 2025: PhD in Physics, FPI contract at the Universitat de Barcelona.
    Massive neutrinos as a window to new Physics in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology, supervised by Dr. Jordi Salvadó.
  • 2024: FNAL secondment, ASYMMETRY network.
    3 months stay in the Fermilab National Accelerator Laboratory, working on neutrino cosmology and ultra-high-energy neutrinos.
  • 2019 - 2020: Postgraduate Research Fellowship, Institut de Ciències del Cosmos.
    Award to undergo a year-long Master’s thesis.
  • 2018 - 2019: Undergraduate Research Fellowship, Spanish Ministry of Education.
    Award to undergo a year-long Bachelor’s thesis.
  • 2018: Undergraduate Research Fellowship, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY).
    Summer student working at the European XFEL under the supervision of Sabine Cunis.


  • 2019-2020: Master in Astrophysics, Particle Physics and Cosmology, with focus on theoretical Particle Physics.
    Master’s thesis Dark Matter from Inflaton-Higgs coupling with Dr. Alessio Notari.
  • 2015-2019: Bachelor in Physics at Universitat de Barcelona, with focus on Fundamental Physics.
    Bachelor’s thesis Coleman-Weinberg Symmetry Breaking and Higgs Physics, with Dr. Federico Mescia.

Seminars, workshops and conferences

  • What do we measure when we measure the neutrino mass in cosmology?.
    Invited talk in FNAL (April 2024) and LPPC, Harvard University (April 2024).
  • IceCube and the origin of the ANITA-IV events
    Invited talk in CNP, VirginiaTech (March 2024), IFIC, València (October 2023), LPPC, Harvard University (July 2023), CCAPP, Ohio State University (May 2023).
  • What is the origin of the ANITA-IV events?.
    Flash talk at the Third Annual EuCAPT Symposium 2023, CERN. Won the best talk award.

Teaching experience

  • Teaching Assistant for Mètodes Matemàtics per a la Física I (complex analysis), 15h.
  • Teaching Assistant for Mètodes Matemàtics per a la Física II (differential equations), 15h.

Community service

  • PhD students representative, at the ICCUB Council.
  • PhD Meetings comission, co-organizer of the weekly meetings between PhDs.
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Comission at the ICCUB.
  • Equality Comission of the Physics Department at the Universitat de Barcelona.
  • Mentoring program for the ICCUB Astrophysics Master, co-organizer and mentor.