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About me

My perspective on research and academia,
and the person beyond it.

My view on research

I like two things about research. First, it feeds my curiosity: it's always fun to learn new things! Neutrino pheno is a particularly good field to learn different skills and acquire a broad perspective on the status of particle physics. Second, it is a collective effort: we're all in the same ship. I try to make my work useful to others (even if only a little and to a few). Thus, it is no secret that I love the communicative part of my research. As long as science is my job, I will focus on these: having fun doing it and helping a wider community.

Giving a talk at Invisibles24

Forging a community

Academia is competitive, and that is how it is, but there is room for improvement in terms of diversity and inclusivity. I feel incredibly lucky to have made wonderful friends during my PhD, and I strive to give back this warmth to my communities. I actively participate in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commissions, coordinate mentoring programs for Master’s students, and organize informal PhD meetings at my university. The difficulty of an academic career is no excuse for not working to make it a better place.

Neurones Fregides

Me, beyond research

Since we are not defined only by our projects, I am a person who likes to listen and embrace the present moment. I enjoy hugs and always try to keep a warm smile.
I am in love with my birthplace, which is not just Barcelona. I cherish its nature, its sea, its mountains, its culture, and its community. Oh, and croquetes. It's all of this and the people I love which make me feel fulfilled.
That being said, I am absolutely looking forward to find and build other communities abroad.
