Toni Logo

An early career researcher in neutrino pheno

Learning about astroparticles, neutrino astrophysics and cosmology


About me

I honestly do not know how to introduce myself in my own website without sounding pretentious. Be that as it is, this is a comfy place to explain myself and my research in a more personal way. As someone once said in Catalan, "passi, passi, que veurà el piset".

Open Arms, but arms crossed

What is my research exactly?

My main focus of research is neutrino phenomenology, mainly on Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) searches. Even if I specialize in neutrino cosmology and astrophysics, I am curious and thrilled for many other astroparticle topics. I won't lie: I find these extremely fun.


Breakin' the bubble: outreach

Science must not stay in academia. I have engaged a lot in outreach as a way of building bridges between physics and society, and as a way of promoting science in my mother language. Specially in the cringiest of ways: recording videos and podcasts for disseminating through all social networks.

Jim James

Your science will be valueless, you'll find.
And learning will be sterile, if inviting.
Unless you pledge your intellect to fighting.
Against all enemies of all mankind.

Bertolt Brecht - To the Students of the Workers' and Peasants' Faculty.

Looking for something more formal?

I promise I did not put any pun in my CV.